The renaming of Dreamcatcher.
1st to 30th

Experimenting with different supermarket deliveries. So far we have had deliveries from all the major supermarkets, and all have been relatively problem free.
Delivery of other items is a little more fraught, like timber. We have ordered the mattresses for the bed on Dreamcatcher and the sofa that I have tailor made to fit the space and to fit my travelling companion.
We eventually unpacked the loo that we had ordered from Midland Chandlers. The intention was to have a single smaller loo with two spare cassettes. That way the cassette is not nearly as heavy when it comes to empty it. It was quite a shock to find that the spare cassettes were just that, cassettes. There was no cap, there was no slider, in fact they were unusable as they were and would have cost nearly as much as a whole new loo to make each one functional. I contacted Midland Chandlers and they agreed to exchange the whole kit and caboodle for another make so instead of ordering a loo and two spare cassettes I ordered three new loos because the new supplier did not sell spare cassettes. It was cheaper that way anyway but seems such a waste as the two extra top portions are completely superfluous and will jsut be disposed of although we can replace my loo seat with a new one and keep one of the new ones as a spare should we ever need it. Only discarding one of the two extra tops.
To obviate the possible problem with staying on the Ashby canal indefinately I have managed to procure a mooring for a reasonable rent so spent a couple of says clearing the weeds and grass. I have fantasies of turning it into a sort of allotamnrt but in reality I will so rarely be there that it is jsut that, a fantasy.
my travelling companion spent most of this month painting the roof, the gunwales and the sides of the cockpit ready to have the new name emblazoned on the sides.