Gutting and rebuilding Dreamcatcher.
3rd Bridge 37 - 15 miles there and back again.

Used the facilities at Sutton Wharf and continued on to Congerstone where we called in on Tom and Nai at his mothers house and collected the new loo, spare cassettes and the cooker which had been delivered there by Midland Chandlers. The Pet Store


Stephen Carter the Waterways Chaplain arrived with our weekly shop. Got the Cooker, loo and 2 extra cassettes delivered to Ashby Boats, along with paint varnish and some skin fittings (for connecting the waste pipes from the sink and basin to the outside world).


Another week has passed already, Stephen Carter arrived with our shopping for the week. Topped up with some fresh stuff from the farm shop.
Guess I have spent all week like a pig in manure, enjoying myself refurbishing Dreamcather.

17th Bridge 37 Stoke Golding

Shopping at the farm shop, facilities at Sutton Wharf. Mark did the first service on Dreamcatcher. He knows the boat inside out and it's history as he helped commission it in 2007. Confident he will do a good job on it. Ordered solar panel stuff. Ordered spectacles on line to be delivered to Tom's Mum's.


Another weekly delivery by Stephen Carter. Thomlinsons Family farm shop top up. Duplicated spectacle order inadvertently.


Wow, doesn't time pass quickly when you ar having fun. Stephen Carter with our weekly shop. (Forgot to pay him!)