That's a big terrapin.
A tree to lay in.
1st to 31st Brinklow to Foxton Flight - 45½ miles 20 locks 2 tunnels

This is the first year that we have actually managed to set off cruising in March, most years we seem to be beleagured by things that we need to do before we set off.
Through Rugby and Hillmorton and down to Braunston where we negotiated the tunnel. On the south side we found an ash tree down so took the opportunity of topping up with wood for the fire.
From there we went to the junction of the Grand Union and the Leicester Arm where we turned left and headed off toward Watford Gap. Yes, the same Watford Gap that is on the motorway. We moored up just before the staircase of 5 locks and walked into the motorway service area, nothing of interest there but at least we can say we have been to Watford Gap with the boat.
Stopped off at Laughton Hills and went for a walk up the hill. my travelling companion found a tree with branches low and level enough to lay in, which she did. So calming and relaxing she nearly went to sleep and fell off.
We arrived at the Foxton staircase flight of 10 locks at the end of the month after a really exciting journey.