1st Scarborough for the day
3rd Whitby for the day
4th Grove Road Facilities 1 mile 2 locks

Rain set in for the day in earnest.

5th Roaches 2 1/4 miles 7 locks 1 tunnel
6th Upper Mill 2 miles 7 locks

Took a bus to Standedge Tunnel, walked back. We did notice a woman on the bus who looked a little out of place while we were going there and we saw her again at the tunnel cafe. Got chatting to her and she told us that she could not face the trip through the tunnel so her husband was bringing their boat through while she caught the bus.


Went to a 'June is busting out all over' concert at the Ebenezer Episcopal Church

10th Diggle Moorings 1½ miles 11 locks Used the facilities.

Whit Walks and Band contest at Diggle and Dobcross. Spent the whole day watching brass bans competing against each other and then following them as they marched to the next village for another section of the competition.

17th Marsden 4 miles 1 tunnel

Standedge tunnel is over three miles long so most of the journey was in the tunnel. Had to give my petrol container away as no petrol is allowed in the tunnel.

18th Sparth Reservoir 1 mile 11 locks

Went into Huddersfield by bus to the market. Purchased a bowl gouge and a clog cutter. The main purpose of the visit was to look at cookers as I have decided to replace the existing hob and oven with a proper cooker. To use the oven I have to have the invertor turned on as it only works on mains, a real pain in the butt.

20th Slaithwaite 1 1/4 miles 11 locks Pronounced Slouwit
21st Milns Bridge 2 3/4 miles 12 locks

Another visit to Huddersfield to the cooker shop, organised delivery.

23rd Apsley Basin 2 miles 8 locks

This is the start of the Huddersfield Broad Canal. Removed the oven and the hob, but replaced the hob temporarily as I have to have something to cook on.


New cooker delivered. Came up on the lottery for twenty pounds! We usually put a pound on the Health lottery each week and so far we have been about even but a twenty pound win puts us ahead. At least it will pay for the next twenty weeks stake.


Fitted new cooker - it works!

27th Colne Bridge 3 1/4 miles 7 locks
30th Forge Lane Bridge 4 1/4 miles 6 locks