My view.

Still at Moor Lane Bridge. I have been iced in now since 25th February but the thaw has started. Richard visited and brought me 3 x 10kg coal as I was beginnig to run a bit low. I would have harvested all that hawthorne but I have not been able to get there.
Canal still iced over but most of the snow has gone

10th Clifton Bridge - 1 mile

Harvesting the hawthorne to keep me warm. Wood keeps me warm three times, once when I collect it, once when I split it and once when I burn it.
Kept collecting and processing the hawthorne for over a week and met up with my travelling companion on the 21st at Brinklow to give her loads of it. my travelling companion had been on the Ashby canal for the winter.

28th Great Haywood 59 miles 18 locks

I had promised that I would help Kathy with her window which are leaking horribly so I am hot footing it to the Llangollen bearing in mind that I might have to cut everything short and fly down to Banbury for the cataract op. When I arrived at Great Haywood there was a roving traders fair on so I decided to stay for a day or two. Blagged a log from one of the other boats that was about the right size for a shaving horse, 4 ft long and 8 inches in diameter. I spent all day sawing it in half lengthwise by hand, the chainsaw would have made too much of a mess of it. In the end I had two half logs, one just perfect for making a shaving horse and the other for a pole lathe.