This used to be a boatyard, I think it is going
to be redeveloped.
1st to 31st Oxford to Napton Bottom Lock 50 1/4 miles 36 locks 15 lift bridges

Moored at Roundham lock overnight on the 2nd and when I tried starting the engine there was a total lack of engine, checked engine oil OK, fan belt OK, gear box oil OK, water OK. 7½ inches of diesel in tank, so that should be OK. Changed air filter, changed fuel filter. Turned out to be a broken wire to the fuel pump, all sorted now.
Filled the tank with diesel and put 20 litres in the Jerry can when the fuel boat went past at The Jolly Boatman.
On the 5th we collected loads of wood on the way. When we stopped I moved the control panel from inside on the cupboard wall just inside the door to outside where I can see it while being on the helm. Richard visited and left me with 20 x 5 litres of red wine which he purchases for me when he does a continental coach trip, now you know where it is all coming from.
On the 7th I went shopping in Biscester. The bus goes past Upper Heyford Aerodrome (where my father worked at one point) and it has been totally re-vamped, it is now a housing estate. Decanted 5 litres of wine.
On the 11th I made an ironing board, put up shelf in workshop and shaped a hand-spike for the Leeds and Liverpool canal.
Spent the week comencing 15th in Banbury shopping first at Morrisons and then at Tesco with a trip to Wickes for timber inbetween and then no more stops till Napton.