The new bedroom.
2nd Rugby, Tesco 2 miles

I have stopped taking Montelucast as it does not seem to be beneficial.
Went wooding at Clifton. Collected nearly 3/4 ton ash. A tree was down at the bottom of the embankment and I was at the bottom cutting it up while my travelling companion kept an eye on me in case the chain saw attacked me. Once it was all cut up we manhandled the individual pieces up to the tow path and then my travelling companion lugged them back to the boats, about 400 yards away while I stood guard and got a few more pieces up to the tow path. One piece was giving us a bit of a problem but a kindly passer by offered to help. He bounced down the embankment to the bottom, picked up this rather large log, threw it on his shoulder and bounced back up again. He made both my travelling companion and myself feel our ages.


Shopping in Tesco for human food and Range for dog food.
Checked the diesel levels, 5 1/4 inches. Put 20 litres of diesel in the tank from a Jerry can. It went from 5 1/4 inches to 7 1/4 inches. I guess the tank registers at 10 litres per inch. I must remember that for future reference.
Cut up some logs for fire wood and cut one piece in preparation for making a couple of stools at some time in the future.
Purchased some Hawk White for plumbing jobs. Decanted 5 litres wine.

8th Marston Junction 15½ miles , 1 stop lock

Sawed up all the logs, cut one of them in half lengthwise to make a couple of shave horses. Cut one into four pieces lengthwise to make stool tops with. My top boxes full of fuel and loads of currency on my travelling companion's roof. We call the rounds of wood coins, so a whole lot of them are called currency. Not only that it represents loads of money saved by not purchasing coal.


Practice makes perfect, well it does if you are really lousy at anagrams. I broke my power planer today, the drive belt disintegrated, guess I was pushing it a bit hard.
Apparently HMS Hood uses 587 gallons of diesel per mile, which is 2670 litres per mile. I'm so glad I get nearly 4 miles per litre, about 20 miles to the gallon. I could go for 10,680 miles for HMS Hoods one but she does weigh 3000 times what I weigh. So I am still 4 times as efficient as HMS Hood.

10th Hinckley 5 3/4 miles

I couldn't wait to get a new belt for the power planer so I went out and bought a Ryobi power planer. I'll still get a new belt for the NuPower planer though.
Ordered a couple of wrist braces for my travelling companion and a couple of belts for the sander.


Snow. Fuel boat came past so I topped up with enough diesel to propel HMS Hood for nearly half a mile, 231 litres.
Collected a load more ash.
Collected the 12 volt vacuum cleaner I ordered from Argos. Made a ball mallet.

15th 16th 17th

Rain all day, stayed in and did jigsaw puzzles.
Got my prescription but they only had two of the three items.
More jigsaw puzzles, decanted another 5 litres wine.

18th Stoke Golding 4 miles.

Thinking about doing the Thames and the Kennet and Avon this year so enquired about the Thames visitor license, £319 for both boats for a month. Free moorings at Oxford, Eynsham and Lechlade, everywhere else there is a charge.

21st Sutton Wharf 3 miles

Used the facilities to good effect.


Snowdrops, lots of snowdrops. Heard during a football match commentary "When the ball went into the net the goalie put his head in his hands and dropped it."


Went wooding for hawthorn, got a good load. Hawthorn burns really hot and lasts a long time provided it has seasoned for a while, ash burns well when new but not as hot as hawthorn.