


For the new year I decided that I would upgrade my Operating System (OS) from Linux Mint 17.1 to Linux Mint 20.2 as it is getting a bit old and susceptible to vulnerabilities and hacking.
I haven't updated for a year or two because I really liked 'Activities' in 17.1 and they are not available on newer OS's but it is time to change.

5th rates.removing.alongside - 5½ miles - Hartshill visitor moorings

First time moving this year. Off to Nuneaton to see if the boatyard there (Starline Boats) can fix or replace the alternator on Dennis. I popped over the bridge to tell the guy that we had arrived and he told me someone would be over in about half an hour. They kept us waiting over an hour before they turned up and removed the alternator to take it away to have it checked out and refurbished if possible.
Carried on to Springwood Haven who claim to be specialists in electrical power and Lithium Ion batteries. Had a long (ish) chat with the main guy there who indicated that Lithium Ion batteries are not yet 'fit for purpose' and I should wait a while before investing in one (or more).
Checked out cost of blacking at both places.
Boot Wharf (Starline) £900, shot blasting, 3 coats bitumen.
Springwood Haven   £740 pressure wash, 2 coats bitumen.
Both claim to do a visual check of the rudder, skeg, anodes and sacrificial edge.


Got a food delivery from Sainsbury's.
Still installing the new OS on my computer or more accurately re-installing with different Window Managers to get something that I like.


Took a trip into Atherstone and back to empty the loos and get as new hot water bottle, mine had developed a pin hole and was making the bed wet!
I use the water bottle most nights throughout the year more to ease back pain than keep me warm as with an under blanket beneath me and a good duvet on top I am generally warm enough.
Or it might just be a comfort thing of having something warm at my back to snuggle up to.

Caught the following morning.

Got rat arsed last night and it reminded me of when, all those years ago, I was living on John's yacht at Littlehampton. I had called in to a pub I liked and for some unknown reason the landlord kept buying me pints, quite out of character.
I eventually crawled back to the boat and staggering along the gangplank I turned left too soon and fell in the river.
The Arun has a reputation of having a very strong current that could have whipped me out to sea in no time but fortunately it must have just been on the turn.
I remember sinking down on my back, looking up at the surface and thinking "If I keep paddling I will get to the surface."
I did and clambered out, crawled along to the boat, climbed in and removed all my sodden clothing and went to sleep.
All these years later I wonder if Delma coerced the landlord into buying me all those drinks, knowing that I was staying on the yacht, hoping I would fall in. I would not have put it past her.

21st litter.pops.ritual 6 miles, Marsden Junction

Just over two weeks and the alternator is back from the refurbishers. Apparently they had to order a new part from Brazil where that alternator was originally made. Fitted and good to go at a cost of just £180 rather than the £300 to £400 we had been quoted for a new one.
The service at Starline Boats was a bit wanting as they did not keep us informed of progress but I can live with that now that I know that they really know what they are talking about.
I had ordered a sheet of Supalux from Wolseley and was expecting to pick it up today but that won't be there till next Wednesday and I'll be long gone by than so cancelled and organised a refund.
Walked up to Travis Perkins and purchased some timber and collected some drawer runners from a Click and Collect location.
We had a large portion of chips between us, the first in two years!

23rd cling.basis.react - Ansty Bridge
24th regulates.heartburn.balconies - Brinklow
28th 5 miles - Rugby

Used the facilities and did a shop at the supermarket.

29th 2 miles - Hillmorton.

Bumped into Paul, a guy we have known on and off for a number of years now. His little dog Lady is still hale and hearty.
Got chatting again and he is interested in having my old pole lathe as I am no longer using it.