

Old table.
1st making.bolts.anyway - Brownsover -

The small gate leg table that I have had for years is wearing. To cure the wobble I fitted a couple of cross braces on the back. Now I want to sand and varnish the top. The problem is I use it everyday. Solution, make a new one.
A few weeks ago my travelling companion found a nice piece of wood, real wood, just about big enough to use as a table top. Off to Wickes, purchased some G cramps, white spirit and some 2 x 1 timber. Called in at Iceland for trout and B&M for some car wash sponges for my travelling companion to wash the boat with before painting it.
The gas locker cover it also showing signs of wear so I spent the rest of the day sanding it and giving it a coat of primer and cutting the wood for the new table.


Did a click and collect shop at Tesco, it's just down the alleyway. Got a new carpet for Dennis. Picked an off cut that is just the right size, although not quite the right shape, I will have to join it in the middle of the room. Paid for it and my travelling companion picked it up and put it on her shoulder. The shop assistant asked how far we had to go and when we told her "the canal" she said "You can't carry that all that way, we'll deliver it." By this time all the staff were gathering around to see what was going on. They offered to deliver it to the boat but could not do that until tomorrow. my travelling companion just hefted the carpet on her shoulder and walked out with it. The sales assistant then remembered the last time we had purchased an off cut.
Again, as previously, we called in at TK Max and borrowed a trolley to carry the carpet to the canal, that worked.
Back at the boats I finished painting the gas locker cover and cleaned and polished the other gas locker cover. Made good progress with the new table.

Paul's Covid shelter. Wide Beam.
3rd inflating.spooked.salsa - 12 3/4 miles 3 locks - The Young Offenders Institution

Set off from Rugby to go to Braunston to get some paint and turn around so that we can be at Houlton Bridge, close to Clifton Cruisers for first thing Saturday morning as that is when Richard is due to launch his two boats. Moored Iowner just past Houlton Bridge and carried on in Dennis. Just before Hillmorton locks we spotted Paul's Covid shelter that he had made from willow branches. Thr hope is that it will now grow. Got to Hillmorton Locks where a boat had just beaten us into the first lock. We used the second lock but were, unfortunately, still behind them at the end of the flight. I have never known a boat travel so slowly. The woman on board was spending all her time chatting instead of looking where she was going. We think that the guy was trying to sell the boat to the woman. Eventually they pulled over to let us past and from then on cruising was comfortable. Passed Kenny and co on Fox who we have not seen for a very long time. Passed Phil and Del (with their two Harris Hawks). At Braunston called in to Midland Chandlers where I collected the paint I had ordered. They were advertising a Candy Aquamatic washing machine which looked just the job. Made sure I had enough funds in my bank account and went back in to make the purchase. Out of stock, in fact out of stock in all branches and now a discontinued item, bother. I did purchase a new Cello TV which has most of the functionality I require. Will check with Cello as to the little discrepancies in the presentation but I expect I will hang on to it.
On the way out of Braunston there was a wide beam boat going the other way. They can only get as far as Dunchurch Pools Marina as beyond that the locks are only 7 ft wide and a braod bem is 14 ft wide. It was going back to the Grand Union, where it belongs.

4th - 5 miles 3 locks - Near Houlton Bridge

Cruised to Houlton Bridge close to Clifton Cruisers where Richard is to have his boats put in the water tomorrow.
Installed the Cello TV, tuned it in and checked out the Electronic Program Guide. When checking what is on the other channels the current channel is still playing behind the EPG, that's good, because one of my other TVs completely switches off the current program while showing the EPG. Picture good, in fact picks up 5 HDTV stations. EPG will not schedule a forthcoming program, only the current program. Sound abysmal, no, really abysmal. I know that we use a sound bar on the current TV but it is listenable to without the sound bar. This one is so distorted at a listenable level that it is painful.

Here and There.

Richard arrived with his two boats at about half seven. Jiggled the two lorries around in the boat yard at Clifton (Clifton Cruisers) so that people could get in and out. After a couple of hours the boat yard was ready to lift the two boats (called Here and There) into the water. Here, the living boat, went in first. Way down at the back on the starboard side. I could tell that Richard thought that it was sinking, but after jumping on board as soon as he could and lifting the deck boards to find them as dry as they could be he relaxed a little and realised that it was ballasted really badly. Next came There, the workshop. (I should point out at this juncture that his boats are named 'Here' and 'There'). There settled in the water nicely. Richard opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate. my travelling companion and I were running back and forth on the tow path opposite trying to get good pictures and video clips of the boats going in, while Morgan, a friend of Richard's was at the boatyard doing the same with his camera. Both boats in the water and nicely afloat Richard started to relax a little. my travelling companion, Morgan and I towed There back through the bridge hole to Houlton Bridge where Morgan could get his vehicle close by to offload stuff from his van onto the boat.
Because I was using Richard's camera I haven't got many pictures of the event.

Company on the way to Houlton Bridge.

Richard spent the day ballasting his living boat to try and get it levelish and fitting some creature comforts.
Cello TV - Picture good, Electronic Programme Guide good, sound absolutely abysmal, even my travelling companion who has good hearing finds it unlistenable. Additionally, when scheduling a program it ignores the selection and books the program for the current time. If I try to book a program when the current time is half past six, and the program I want to book is on at ten pm, is books the program that is on at half past six, useless. Their technical help line treated me as though I was an idiot and simply read the instruction book to me. Not impressed.

Drive Leg.

Richard has no power from the hydraulic drive, the engine is fine and turns the propeller but no power. We both spent the day trying to figure out what it might be. Removed the drive leg and ran it on the bank. Engine turns the propeller but when a stick is interposed between the propeller and the housing the propeller stops



Refitted the drive leg on Richard's boat. He found that it was a lot more difficult than he had envisaged and planned, so has ideas to make it easier in the future.
Took a trip to Braunston in the car to return the Cello TV.
Back at the boats Richard adjusted lots of things on the hydraulic pump but to no avail.


It seems that when the hydraulic motor was supplied the commissioning engineer put a valve on the wrong way round. In theory this cannot happen as the bolts that hold it on are offset but in this case the bolts are symmetrically positioned.
Anyway with the valve on the right way round it all works fine and Richard took the boat for a run. He had been worried that the engine might not be powerful enough but it seemed to be pushing the boat along nicely. Because it is a hydraulic drive on an exterior shaft he can simply turn the tiller 180 degrees to go backwards. When he did this the tiller kicked back but the whole thing worked a treat and he can reverse as easily as going forward. Now to join the two together.


Richard made a 'reversing tiller' that is much more easily controlled than just reversing the forward tiller.
Joining the two boats together took the rest of the day and well into the evening.


Two boats as one. Plenty of power both in forward and in reverse, in fact I think Richard was going a little more quickly than was safe so told him to slow down.


Watched England beat Croatia 1 - 0

14th modifies.capers.loopholes - 5½ miles - Brinkwell

Moved from Houlton Bridge (Clifton on Dunsmore) to Brinkwell. my travelling companion set out first and got to the water point while it was empty. We followed on, Richard in the lead and me acting as shotgun to protect him from being harassed by other boaters. Fortunately no-one came up behind us on this leg of the journey even thought it was quite slow. We both filled up with water and emptied loos and got rid of some rubbish and set off again. It was sooo slooow. Approaching Newbold Tunnel I got him to pull over to let the queue of boats behind us to pass. Got close to Cathiron and I told Richard to try putting his boat into reverse for a few seconds to see if the grill that is covering the cowl around his propeller was clogged up. It did make some difference. Told him to pull over at Cathiron and let the queue of boats that had built up behind us to go past. I left him there as my travelling companion had rung to let me know that there were still lots of spaces at Brinklow but by the time I got there there was only one left, which I grabbed. Richard followed on later and we got him moored up close to the car park. I managed to hop around a couple of boats to a space that had become vacant closer to Dennis.


2nd day at Brinklow. my travelling companion started washing Dennis prior to cleaning, scraping and painting. I started transcribing old diaries in preparation for putting them on the web. Richard caught the bus to Clifton on Dunsmore to collect his car, all went well. We did the click and collect run to Tesco in the afternoon. The 'White' cabbage that they supplied turned out to be a Sweetheart cabbage wrongly labelled. I filled in the 'tray' at the back of the workbench that is in the rear deck and adjusted the drawer to run in and out properly.


The lady on the boat next to Dennis gave me half a white cabbage (which turned out to be another Tesco sweetheart cabbage).
I have started a new breakfast routine. I have a coleslaw made with grated cabbage, grated carrot, finely sliced onion and celery finished off with a small handful of raisins and some mayonnaise.


Went into Rugby for my Audiology appointment. Went really well. Got two new hearing aids that talk to each other. Volume control on one and a program selection on the other, now I can mask the engine noise while travelling and also mask the noise of wind. Can't wait to try it out. Called in to Asda while I was there and purchased some white cabbages, bananas and orange juice. Brief visit to the mobility shop to find out about qualification as a disabled person. My thoughts are that I will get an electric scooter and if stopped by the police will claim that it is my mobility scooter as long as I can demonstrate to them that I am entitled to a disabled vehicle.


The guy who lives on NB Florence E saw my side hatch removable windows and asked if I could make one for his back door several weeks ago. I agreed but told him it would not be for a while as I did not have the wood needed at the time. Used the table saw to rip a couple of pieces of 44mm x 18mm timber down to 32mm x 18mm for the frame for the door on 'Florence E'. Vacuum ran out of battery so took a break while it was charging. Didn't want to tramp the sawdust everywhere while I was doing other things. Raining, first time for a couple of weeks, chilly enough that I lit the fire, only a little one but the comfort glow that it gave was really nice, and I was only burning scraps of wood from various projects I have been completing.


Wickes don't deliver to a what three 3 location so contacted a local independent timber yard. Ordered the timber I want and was told delivery would be early next week. It arrived two hours later. Now I can revamp the existing wardrobe and replace the wall above my bed which is showing signs of rot.
In between sanding Dennis, and sanding Dennis, I do it in short time slots as it is quite wearing, I removed the old wardrobe and cupboard over and made a template for the new bulkhead.
Another click and collect from Tesco.


Drizzling, Sanded Dennis till the battery gave out. Cut the bulkhead for the new wardrobe. Removed the cable cover in the wardrobe and removed the surplus cables from the wardrobe area, replaced the cover. Fitted the bulkhead and clothes rail, varnished bulkhead.
Finished sanding Dennis
Multitool gave up the ghost. The switch has been playing up for a few days and now no longer functions. It's a shame as the tool itself is fine, hey ho. Ordered a new one from Toolstation and once the order was placed and paid for I realised that it was a corded tool and I wanted a cordless one. When I did a search for a cordless multitool it showed me the corded one in the results. Immediately cancelled the order and placed an order for one with Wickes. I need one to remove the panelling that is showing signs of rot from around the window in my bedroom.


Richard took me into Market Bosworth to collect my prescription, collect new debit from Nikki and make sure of the fit for Alan's window. Collected the new multitool from Wickes on the way back.
Finished sanding Dennis, cut out the wall boards either side of the porthole in my bedroom, used them as a template for the new wall, cut it out and fitted it, two coats varnish. Fitted a shelf in the wardrobe and the divider that separates the two wardrobe doors. Fitted trim to wardrobe bulkhead.
The drive on Richards boat has a mesh over the water intake area which was covered with leaves and bits of plastic. Perhaps that is why he was so slow. He has taken the mesh off altogether now.


Richard spent more time re-ballasting his boat as it is still not right.
my travelling companion gave Dennis the first coat of primer.
I made the door frames for the new wardrobe and glued up a couple of drawers and put the bottoms in them for the new table. Installed Linux on Richard's computer as he is uncomfortable with Windows.


Made progress with the drawers for the new table. The old table had two drawers at the front (or back however you view it) and they are relatively inaccessible. The new table is having six drawers, three at each end.
Made the panel inserts for the wardrobe doors, sanded them and glued them into the frame.
my travelling companion gave Dennis a second coat of primer.
Click and collect at Tesco and spent the rest of the afternoon loading Richard's computer with all his pictures, music and videos.

New wardrobe with cupboard over.

Dennis had a first coat of undercoat.
It took me all day to hang the wardrobe doors. First I had to trim them to size, then I had to fit the hinges and adjust them (several times) and finally fit the push to close, push to open catches before varnishing them inside and out.
Now I have a full length wardrobe with a sizeable cupboard over. The wardrobe holds my greatcoat and all my shirts and jackets while the cupboard over holds my sewing machine, a spare duvet and a few other odds and ends.
As usual I forgot to take before photographs, but at least I have the after pictures. I expect that somewhere I will have a picture showing the old setup and when I find it I will insert that picture here as well




Dennis had a second coat of undercoat.
More progress with the table drawers, started on a door for the outside workbench and transcribed more of my 2016 diary.
I don't know what triggered it but I looked at me Patient Access records and noted the they have me down for an endoscopy in June of 2005. I really do not remember having that procedure, but definitely remember the one on 27th March 2009, and I logged that one in my diary and wrote a poem about it. Sent an email to my doctor just to make sure that my records are correct.


Dennis had a first coat of topcoat.
Click and collect shopping at Tesco again and trout from Iceland. More progress with the drawers for the table and finished the outdoor workbench door.
Investigated MPPT controllers for Richard, decided which ones he should have and got him to order them.
I have had my dingy on the tow path with a for sale sign on it for a few days now and today a guy walking along the towpath expressed interest. It was a lovely idea when I bought it but I soon discovered that I am far less agile than I was last time I got in one so have decided that it has to go.


Dennis had a second coat of topcoat.
Alan off Florence E rang to say he has a piece of perspex that he would like to drop off with me tomorrow for his screen.
Finished drawers for the table. Richard went to Witney for the day and night, back tomorrow.


I was expecting Alan to arrive this morning but he must have meant 7pm not am. Made a holder for the angle grinder to turn it into a drum sander. Updated more diary entries from 2016.


Wanted an adventure so I caught the bus into Rugby. I stood at the bridge where I have always caught the bus before and waved it down as it approached. As I got on the driver said to me "This isn't a bus stop you know, the bus stop is at Town Thorns." I was little taken aback and after a short pause I thanked him for stopping and picking me up. It seemed a better idea than explaining that I always caught the bus at this bridge.
Shopping in Asda and with a little time on my hands a couple of charity shops but I really did not feel comfortable. Alan delivered the sheet of glass while I was out.
I asked the bus driver on the way back if he could drop me off at the canal bridge close to Town Thorns and he was happy to do so, just asked me to remind him as we got close. This mornings bus driver must have got out of the bed on the wrong side this morning.
Back at the boats I fitted the sheet of glass to Alan's frame, gave it a coat of varnish and asked him to collect it tomorrow as I was worried about breaking the glass.
Richard returned from Witney and brought a lathe back with him. He purchased it 20 years ago and has never even unpacked it. As he has not got room for it on his work boat I am going to look after it for the duration. After 20 years of storage the drive belt had become brittle and fell to pieces as I looked at it. The belt tensioner is missing but on closer examination it is only a short 8mm bolt, so no problem there. With a lathe I no longer need to turn the angle grinder into a drum sander as the lathe will do the job.
Watched England beat Germany 2 -0.